Gratitude for Student Volunteers
🥰We want to express our gratitude to the generous students from Clear Lake Community School District who volunteered at our One Vision Thrift Solutions facility last week! 🦁🙌These students dedicated their time to sorting over 2000 pounds of clothing, which will be sold to support our mission of standing with and supporting people with disabilities to pursue their best life. 💪THANK YOU for your kindness, generosity, and for supporting our mission! 💚 Your efforts are deeply appreciated.
#OneVision #disabilitysupport #disabilityadvocate #volunteer #volunteering #volunteerappreciation #volunteersmakeadifference #volunteers #thankyouvolunteers #thankyou #thankyouforyoursupport #communitysupport #givingback #leadbyexample
Check out the full facebook post here